Community Building and Management

How one county is reimagining libraries, from teaching kitchens to woodworking shops [Video]

The first public library in the U.S. dates back to 1790 in Franklin, Massachusetts. Today, in the age of e-reading and other technological developments, the modern library faces a new set of challenges. Despite these hurdles, several libraries across the country are writing the book on innovation.

The Richland Public Library in Columbia, South Carolina, is a national leader in reimagining the library’s place in the community.

The Richard library has its own teaching kitchen, where patrons can learn about culinary techniques. It also comes with a fully equipped woodworking shop, a seed library and a “library of things,” with shelves filled with items like instruments, games and toys.

Melanie Huggins, the library’s executive director, has pioneered the extraordinary evolution.

“We have always been in the business of making people’s lives better. I think that is the history of public libraries across the globe,” Huggins said.

That history dates back …

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