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How can you get featured in the media? [Video]

Public Relations

Being featured in the media might seem like something that only big corporates with huge PR budgets can achieve, or like it is only for exciting start-ups. But in this short video, the founder of Pure Public Relations, Phoebe Netto, shows you our approach to getting a client in the media, no matter their size or how interesting their might initially seem – so you can do it too.

Q. How do you get journalists to write about, interview, or film clients?

A. When I secure media coverage for a client, it is because I used the principle of helping make a journalist’s job easier by giving them a story that they are happy to cover and then giving them as much as I can so they have what they need to do that well.

Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help …

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