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How a Toronto-based company sorts foreign cash for charities [Video]

At Global Coin Solutions, the painstaking process of sorting through currency from around the world is done largely by hand.

The Ontario company, which specializes in cash management and foreign currency fundraising, is looking to effect change for those most in need.

“Our estimates are that there’s between two and three billion dollars in foreign currency in Canada doing nothing,” company founder and president Scott Hutchings said.

Hutchings estimates his business has processed around $25 million through its Toronto facility. He tells Global News the lion’s share of that has been for charities.

Taking an, ‘Any currency, any amount’ approach, the walls in Hutchings’ office are a visual feast of finance. He says it all starts with the donations.

“We work with the different charities we’re working with, we arrange for the funds to come back to our office,” Hutchings explained.

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From there, it’s documented, weighed and organized. Then, at the end of the month, they begin …

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