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House Speaker Johnson, Issa visit Mexico border in San Diego [Video]

In a press conference from the U.S.-Mexico border in San Diego, Speaker Mike Johnson said Vice President Harris is responsible for border ‘disaster’.

SAN DIEGO — House Speaker Mike Johnson and Congressman Darrell Issa addressed immigration policies while visiting the U.S.-Mexico border Thursday.

“This has become in many ways the epicenter of the Biden, Harris border catastrophe and now we’re concerned in congress this is illegal immigrant invasion is threatening the integrity of our election,” Johnson said.

Also at the border was Benjamin Prado. He provides humanitarian aid to migrants and shared his thoughts after the press conference.

“We saw the disinformation that somehow people vote when that’s not a fact. the slanders that continue to spew,” Prado said. “Working people come through, families, entire families as well as small children they’re here right now.”

Meanwhile Johnson had differing thoughts. 

“These are not huddled masses if families seeking asylum from persecution from their home country. By and large these are people coming here probably …

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