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History Cities – Calvium [Video]

User Experience (UX) Design

History Cities is a project born from six years of creative collaboration with Professor Fabrizio Nevola of the University of Exeter. From the award-winning Hidden Florence app in 2014 to the pioneering Hidden Florence 3D (together with the National Gallery) in 2019, we have enjoyed a sterling partnership.

Taking the model, processes, and templates that we have created and improved upon over the years, we are now bringing to life the History Cities suite of apps. By combining augmented reality, digital placemaking and multi-language support, each app will allow people to navigate the streets of Valencia, Exeter, Hamburg, Deventer and Trento, while fictional characters lead them through the forgotten histories of these European cities. 

This immersive experience will let visitors view each place through the lens of our past, enhancing their relationships with each European city.

We have created these interactive experiences using Calvium’s brand-new Place Experience Platform(PEP), which allows the academic community to research, write and produce the stories …

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