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Here are the 18 recommendations from the Louisiana Let Teachers Teach task force [Video]

Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

BATON ROUGE — The Let Teachers Teach workgroup of the Louisiana Department of Education on Wednesday released 18 recommendations for school districts, state administrators and legislators. It listed its recommendations under six key headers.

PROFESSIONAL LEARNING — Educators are required to participate in professional learning focused on academic curricula, classroom management, and engagement strategies. While teachers understand the importance of professional learning, they are often mandated to repeat the same sessions year after year. These redundant professional learning sessions can leave teachers feeling disconnected and undervalued. Therefore, the LTT workgroup recommends:

Tailor professional growth plans; Make collaboration meetings worthwhile; Ensure ample time for classroom preparation.

REQUIRED TRAININGS — Educators must complete legislatively-mandated trainings. It is common for teachers to complete these trainings outside of the normal school day and without compensation. Therefore, the LTT workgroup recommends:

Shift legislatively mandated trainings to a cycle; Enact pre-test exemptions from required trainings.

STUDENT BEHAVIOR AND DISCIPLINE —Too often, students are not removed from …

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