From digital ticketing to a brand-new entrance, this year’s changes have fans smiling and officials excited.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — The Waste Management Phoenix Open is already off to a great start.
“Looking at the first look of crowds of Wednesday, today, it really seemed to be that all that planning, all that effort, all the consideration to make this a better experience, not necessarily a bigger experience, really, really looked like it was successful,” Scottsdale Police Officer Aaron Bolin said.
Bolin said last year’s biggest challenge was all the weather. Muddy grounds shrunk the footprint of the course, and more people attending on good weather days caused issues like bottlenecking at entrances and fewer areas for fans to congregate.
“You can’t always predict how things are going to go, but to keep hosting a successful event, you’ve got to learn from things that either worked really well or maybe didn’t …