Integrated Solutions Offering

Hawaiis young professionals attend summit to prevent locals from being priced out of paradise | Video

...FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 930 AM HST THIS MORNING FOR THE ISLAND OF OAHU IN HONOLULU COUNTY... At 753 AM HST, radar indicated heavy rain over windward Oahu. Rain rates as high as 1.5 to 2.5 inches per hour have been observed. Periods of heavy showers over already saturated ground may quickly lead to runoff and flash flooding. Water levels in streams are expected to continue to rise. Water could inundate some roads, including Kamehameha Highway. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Heavy rain producing life threatening flash flooding. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Significant and life threatening flooding in drainages, streams, rivers, roads, properties, and other low lying areas. Multiple public road closures expected, as well as landslides in steep terrain. Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Honolulu, Ahuimanu, Kaneohe, Kahaluu, Waiahole, Kalihi, Maunawili, Moanalua, Aiea, Halawa, Waikane, Kaneohe Marine Base, Manoa, Kailua, Salt Lake, ...

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