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Harrowing story of domestic abuse sparks movement in Thailand adobo Magazine [Video]

Global Marketing Strategies


BANGKOK, THAILAND — Domestic violence remains a pressing issue in Thailand, with cases continuing to rise over the years. In 2018 alone, the Ministry of Public Health reported 31,866 incidents of domestic violence. Yet, countless more likely go unreported, hidden behind cultural stigmas and fear of retaliation. Even more alarming, in just the first seven months of 2020, 65.9% of reported cases resulted in deaths – underscoring the devastating consequences of this crisis.

But Thailand is not alone. Domestic violence is a global epidemic. According to UN WOMEN, one in three women worldwide experiences physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime, often at the hands of an intimate partner. Many cases remain hidden, unspoken due to fear and stigma. In 2022, UNODC revealed a chilling statistic: 48,800 women and girls were killed by intimate partners or family members – a stark reminder of how deadly this issue can be.

Breaking the cycle requires more than …

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