Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan is currently promoting his upcoming film, Baby John. The actor recently visited Jaipur, where he interacted with fans.
On Saturday, at the India Today Summit, Varun Dhawan had the opportunity to meet Union Home Minister Amit Shah. During their interaction, Varun praised Shah’s contributions to the nation.
At the event, Amit Shah addressed the audience, where Varun, seated among them, posed an intriguing question about the key difference between Lord Ram and Ravan. In response, Amit Shah highlighted their contrasting approaches to dharma. He explained that while some allow their interests to be guided by their duties, others let their duties be dictated by self-interest.
Varun Dhawan heaped praise on Amit Shah, calling him the Hanuman of the country. “People call him Chanakya in politics, but I would like to call him the Hanuman of our country, who serves the nation selflessly,” he said.
“Even actors, …