Hannah Kobayashi, the Maui woman who mysteriously disappeared in Los Angeles after failing to catch her connecting flight to New York, has been spotted crossing into Mexico alone, police confirmed.
“As the family is aware, late yesterday after travelling to the U.S.-Mexico border, we reviewed video surveillance from U.S. Customs and Border Protection which clearly shows Kobayashi crossing the United States border on foot into Mexico,” Los Angeles Police Chief Jim McDonnell told reporters during a press conference Monday.
Kobayashi, 30, crossed the border on Nov. 12, just four days after she flew from Hawaii to the mainland U.S., McDonnell said.
“She was alone, with her luggage and appeared unharmed,” McDonnell continued, adding that she was seen walking into a pedestrian tunnel at the San Ysidro point of entry, 200 km southeast of Los Angeles.
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McDonnell said that this new information shows no evidence that she’s been trafficked or was otherwise a victim of a crime. …