Community Building and Management

‘Growth has never paid for itself’: Southern Colorado developers advocate for controversial project as community members push against it [Video]

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) – Some southern Colorado community members pushed one more time for Colorado Springs city council to vote against a massive, controversial development project.

On Tuesday, the city council heard citizen discussion and voted whether or not to annex the land ahead of the development. In a 4 to 5 vote, the city council turned down the annexation of the land.

The Amara development has made headlines recently, with the proposal detailing a massive project that would introduce thousands of homes to Colorado Springs.

Mike Ruebenson, the Chief Operations Officer for La Plata Communities, said he looks forward to the development should it pass. He said La Plata Communities, one of the region’s largest developers, would provide much-needed affordable housing.

“We’ve committed to a minimum of 7% of our houses to be affordable, as defined by government definition of that,” he said.

Ruebenson also said the project is strategically placed to be near three military installations, …

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