Community Building and Management

Group says photos of reclusive tribe on Peru beach show logging concessions are ‘dangerously close’ WFTV [Video]

An advocacy group for Indigenous peoples has released photographs of a reclusive tribe’s members searching for food on a beach in the Peruvian Amazon, calling it evidence that logging concessions are “dangerously close” to the tribe’s territory.

Survival International said the photos and video it posted this week show members of the Mashco Piro looking for plantains and cassava near the community of Monte Salvado, on the Las Piedras River in Madre de Dios province.

Several logging companies hold timber concessions inside territory inhabited by the tribe, according to Survival International, which has long sought to protect what it says is the largest “uncontacted” tribe in the world. The proximity raises fears of conflict between logging workers and tribal members, as well as the possibility that loggers could bring dangerous disease to the Mashco Piro, the advocacy group said.

Two loggers were shot with arrows while fishing in 2022, one fatally, in a reported encounter with tribal members.

Cesar …

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