Integrated Solutions Offering

Greenville leaders will consider changes to affordable housing policy [Video]

GREENVILLE, S.C. (FOX Carolina) – Greenville County’s affordable housing policy is nearly 2 years old, the policy is supposed to incentivize developers into creating more affordable housing by offering tax breaks.

Now that leaders have seen how it works some say it needs to change in order to work better.

“The counties have never gotten into this before, but the way things are nowadays, I don’t think we have a choice,” said Councilman Butch Kirven, District 27.

The housing crisis continues to deepen as advocates, nonprofits and organizations work to find solutions. Greenville County’s trying to offer a bit of help too.

The affordable housing policy was adopted in 2022. With the policy now, the more affordable units a developer includes—the higher the tax break they can receive.

However some leaders were concerned about developers taking advantage of the policy—using it to get a tax break, while they’ve already received federal or state funding to make the units affordable.

“I …

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