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Grazing management of perennial forage shrubs video | Dry seasons and drought support | Farm management

Integrated Solutions Offering

Title: Grazing Management of Perennial Forage Shrubs

Vision: Grazing Management of Perennial Forage Shrubs points

This video provides farmers with information about options for managing livestock with alternative feed sources. It also looks at using lower productive land in a Mallee cropping system.

Vision: Perennial forage shrubs

Chris Korte – Senior Scientist – Agriculture Victoria:

‘The aim of the project is to identify more shrubs besides Old Man Saltbush which has been traditionally used.’

Vision: Map of forage shrub sites in the Mallee area

‘This work started at Walpeup and there was a site there which, over two or three years they grew a lot of shrubs.’

Chris Korte speaking:

‘And then from that selected the ones which they thought would be most suitable for the Mallee.’

Vision: Map of forage shrub sites in the Mallee area showing five new sites – Chris Korte speaking:

‘Currently this year another five sites where new plantings have been done to …

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