Just about every American is going to face an insurance dilemma in the coming decade.
INDIANAPOLIS — Anyone who has followed Gov. Mike Braun’s political trajectory over the past seven years knows the story of how he “solved” his company’s health care dilemma.
“We’ve got one of the highest health care costs of any state and some of the poorest health care outcomes,” Braun told me in October 2023 after giving me a tour of his company, Meyer Distributing of Jasper. “I fixed health care in my own business, have healthier employees, cut costs 15 years ago, created health care consumers out of my employees, and know some of the things I can do for coverage of our own state employees.”
Will that translate to 6.8 million Hoosiers? Can you take those fundamental building blocks on health coverage and bring them to the masses?
“Sure you can,” said Braun, who used the issue to defeat U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly in 2018 …