Mobile Marketing

Google’s Messy Search Overhauled by Mobile AI [Video]

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and Google search has long been the trusted companion for users seeking information. However, concerns have arisen regarding the diminishing effectiveness of Google search and the increasing presence of advertisements. Some argue that these issues reflect broader challenges faced by the web.

Nevertheless, Google search continues to outperform its competitors in many respects. Yet, the prevalence of advertisements in the top search results has given rise to a perception of a cluttered and overly commercialized experience. In response, Google has turned to the power of generative artificial intelligence (AI) to revamp its search capabilities.

By incorporating AI functionalities into high-end Android devices and utilizing Google Lens for image recognition, the company aims to streamline the search process and provide users with more concise and relevant responses. This article explores how Google’s AI-driven multi-search and the Search Generative Experience (SGE) are shaping the future of …

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