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Googles lackluster AI announcements gives Apple the perfect opportunity to shine [Video]

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Google I/O 2024 was kind of surprising. This is because Google generally announces a bunch of different things at the event, sometimes hardware, sometimes software, sometimes services, and so on. But this year, the focus was largely on AI, but we felt that it was kind of lackluster.

Instead of blowing us away with their AI advancements, a lot of the new AI features and tools feel like just enhanced versions of software. It didn’t really have the same magic we felt when ChatGPT first burst onto the scene. But every cloud has a silver lining, and this silver lining could be Apple’s to grab.

It is expected that at WWDC 2024, Apple will make a bunch of AI-related announcements. Seeing as how boring I/O was, this gives Apple a chance to truly stand out and create something magical. It’s not just wishful thinking on our part though, Apple definitely needs this as well.

A shoddy track record

Apple has …

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