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Go Wide I-65 Coalition campaigns for change on Alabama interstate [Video]

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WIAT) — Lieutenant Governor Will Ainsworth said he’s been talking about a plan to widen I-65 for over a year.

The Go Wide I-65 Coalition hopes to get the word out about this plan and stop the gridlock. Ainsworth said the plan includes making I-65 three lanes from Tennessee to Mobile. While some portions already have three lanes, he said the expansion will help with the miles of back-up.

“You know, right now I’m passing an 18-wheeler. It’s our main artery for transportation in the state. But not only that- also, when you look at eight million visitors coming to our state,” said Ainsworth. “And a lot of them travel I-65 going to the coast.”

While millions of dollars are spent on other road projects, Ainsworth said this is the number one infrastructure project that needs to be accomplished.

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