Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

GMFS Alliance of SWMO & Fentanyl Crisis! [Video]

Jen Black, the Executive Director with the Alliance of SWMO, dropped in the studio this morning to talk about a crisis that has ravaged the country and even our community, Fentanyl. A shocking figure is that roughly 7 out of 10 substances seized nationally are now laced with the deadly opioid, and the Four States area is no exception! The main goal of the Alliance is to keep this deadly medication out of the hands of our community, especially the children and our schools. Jen shares that Narcan is the best tool that we could have in our homes and on our person, as Narcan can very quickly stop and reverses the effects of an opioid overdose via nasal spray. Narcan is super easy to use, and can be picked up for free at the The ROCC ( Recovery Outreach Community Center)! For more information on the Fentanyl and Opioid …

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