Community Building and Management

Gina Lopez bags Int’l prize for championing islands ecosystems [Video]

Regina Paz (Gina) Lopez has been honored with the 2017 Seacology Prize in Berkeley, California – the first Filipino to have won the trophy in the award’s 27-year-history of recognizing world champions of islands ecosystems.

Gina Lopez was cited by Seacology as a prominent Filipino environmental activist who continues to fight for the welfare of island communities in the Philippines despite powerful opposition from political and business interests.

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“In recognition of her untiring environmental advocacy in the face of powerful opposition, Regina Paz (Gina) Lopez of the Philippines has been awarded the 2017 Seacology Prize” went the citation in ceremonies held early October.

Receiving her award, Lopez remarked, “The Philippines is a country of 7,000 islands, and I hope this award will affect the entire country. And because the Philippines has so many diverse ecosystems, and so many animals and plants that occur nowhere else, saving …

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