In a remarkable display of collaborative action, Gift of the Givers and CapeNature are working together to control an invasive carp fish species that threatens the delicate ecosystem of Groenvlei Lake while also feeding families in need!
Sedgefield, South Africa (27 January 2025) – Gift of the Givers is all about helping the environment and communities in need. In one of the organisation’s ongoing outreaches, it joined forces with CapeNature, a governmental organisation responsible for biodiversity conservation in the Western Cape. Together, they have been working tirelessly to remove an invasive Carp fish species from Groenvlei Lake within the Goukamma Nature Reserve using fishing bows.
As prolific breeders, the invasive Carp can spawn several times a year releasing thousands of eggs into the ecosystem ranking them as one of the most invasive freshwater species in the world.
These prolific fish pose a significant threat to native species like the Estuarine Round Herring and Cape Silverside, which can be found …