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General Election 2024 LIVE: Betting scandal spirals as Labour suspends candidate and five more Met officers face probe [Video]

Suspended Labour candidate Kevin Craig ‘bet against himself’

The Central Suffolk and North Ipswich candidate Kevin Craig has been suspended from Labour after the Gambling Commission launched an investigation.

Mr Craig’s bet was relating to the outcome of the vote in his constituency – and the candidate had bet that he would lose the contest, according to Sky News.

Labour candidate suspended over betting scandal

Labour has administratively suspended Central Suffolk and North Ipswich candidate Kevin Craig after the Gambling Commission launched an investigation.

It is understood not to relate to bets on election timing.

A party spokeswoman said after being contacted by the Gambling Commission the party acted immediately to administratively suspend him pending investigation.

A Labour Party spokeswoman said: “With Keir Starmer as leader, the Labour party upholds the highest standards for our parliamentary candidates, as the public rightly expects from any party hoping to serve, which is why we have acted immediately in this case.”

Keir Starmer and Kevin Craig


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