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Geelong woman faces being kicked out of tiny home due to council red tape [Video]

Community Building and Management

, updated

A domestic violence survivor who pulled herself out of homelessness by building a tiny home on a friend’s property faces being kicked out on the street by council red tape.   

Teena Keys, from Geelong, south-west of Melbourne, was left homeless after losing her business during the pandemic and fleeing an abusive relationship. 

In a damning indictment of Australia’s deepening housing crisis, she was rejected from more than 60 rentals and was forced to spend three years couch surfing and sleeping in her car while trying to rebuild her housekeeping business. 

But her fortunes turned around in December last year when she built a tiny off-grid home on a friend’s 100-acre property in the rural Victorian town of Anakie.

‘I just think this is a solution to a big problem here in Victoria. There are so many people on the streets, so many people without housing,’ Ms Keys told Sunrise. 

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