Integrated Solutions Offering

From AI augmentation to stream AI: Application development in the new era [Video]


  • Firms use generative AI agents for more efficient workflows and value streams, including the software development life cycle (SDLC).
  • With generative AI, whole phases of the SDLC can be collapsed, leading to lower costs, higher quality products, and much faster delivery times.
  • Stream AI takes user inputs and executes each SDLC phase — without intermediate pause or manual touch points — generating corresponding content (code, pipelines, etc.) in minutes for a fully functional outcome.
  • Stream AI is a big part of the AI-first vision, and occurs when other essential components are in place, including the right digital operating model, AI-ready talent, AI-augmented development and testing, and an engineering shop well-versed in platform engineering.
  • However, Stream AI must ensure users trust AI outputs and avoid risks associated with generative AI.
  • This way of working inevitably means jobs will change. For example, a solution architect will still design, implement and test architecture, …

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