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Forget sharks and bears its deer that you should worry about hurting you | Nation & World [Video]

Public Relations

(CNN) — Retired public relations professional Bonnie Sashin and her husband had just spent a nice Thanksgiving visit and meal with family at her stepson’s suburban home in the Connecticut city of Fairfield, a charming burg of about 61,000 on Long Island Sound.

By the time they departed the 2022 family gathering, the sun had already set, Sashin recalls.

They cranked up her fairly new Subaru Forester SUV to head to a nearby hotel, where they were staying the night rather than make the two-and-a-half hour drive back to Brookline, Massachusetts, on full stomachs and in full darkness.

“And just as we turned the corner, practically out of the subdivision where my stepson lives … I can feel something hit the car. You know, it’s dark, and I had no idea what could it be. And I was just very alarmed,” Sashin said.

“My husband thought it was some kind of animal, …

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