Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Forests for healthy people, economies, and ecosystems [Video]

The road ahead may be mired with institutional and financial hurdles. But here are four considerations to chart a path to a nature-resilient future: 

  1. Better Planning: Single-sector approaches to development challenges are not enough. Integrated land-use planning can help – this means considering both the natural and human systems that depend on a landscape, to sustainably manage a variety of land uses. We are taking this approach through our work on PROGREEN – a global partnership of the World Bank, Germany, and Sweden – that supports countries with the development of such plans across forest, oasis, and savannah landscapes around the world. 
  2. Better Management: This starts with laying the regulatory groundwork on which countries can conserve and grow their forests and the ecosystem services they provide – from clean air and potable water to flood and erosion control. 
  3. Better Business: When forests are managed sustainably, industries and local economies flourish, including nature-based …

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