Public Relations

Five Things To Take Away From Kate Payes Introductory Press Conference [Video]

Now that Kate Paye has formally been introduced as the new head coach of Stanford women’s basketball, I wanted to share five thoughts on what she said during her introductory press conference.

VIDEO: Kate Paye Introductory Press Conference

#1. Paye truly bleeds Cardinal red: Kate Paye played at Stanford, she was an assistant coach under Tara from 2007 until the end of this past season and was elevated to associated head coach in 2016. While I already knew Paye was a Stanford lifer prior to the press conference, watching her talk about Stanford just hammered home how much the university means to her. She is incredibly honored to lead the program and will do all she can to maintain the level of excellence that she feels the program should live up to.

#2. This has been a long time coming: Not only has Paye paid her dues to become the new head coach at Stanford. She could have been head …

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