The documentary “Into the Soil: The Wisdom of Regenerative Farming” introduces Brigid LeFevre, who grew up in an Irish Camphill community practicing biodynamic farming; families lived with individuals with special needs and operated without monetary transactions
The documentary advocates separating food from market economics, arguing that forcing farmers to compete financially undermines sustainable land management and community well-being
LeFevre runs a CSA in Sweden focusing on fermented foods, which support gut and mental health while preserving harvest throughout the year for community members
The film emphasizes biodiversity’s importance in farming, contrasting it with harmful monocultures that deplete soil nutrients and increase pest problems in modern agriculture
Regenerative farming is presented as an alternative to industrial agriculture, emphasizing holistic practices, community involvement and long-term environmental stewardship over short-term profits
The documentary “Into the Soil: The Wisdom of Regenerative Farming” is a profound exploration of practices that not only restore our land …