Grant Leboff: Mark, myth number eight is about sales planning. You say that it’s not all in the planning, there are other factors, sales people spend a lot of time doing research and are not being at the coalface. So there must be a balance. You don’t just burst into a sales meeting without thinking it, so where does the balance lie?
Mark Blackmore: Whenever we say this to sales people, we can hear them inside quietly rejoicing; that thank goodness I don’t have to do any planning any more! The reason that we say that it’s a myth is because how many times, Grant, have you seen a salesperson prepare, get everything ready… maybe they will be on telesales, so before they hit the ‘phones they truly need to understand the customer. They always do start jumps, kind of warming up, sort of flexing, pick up the telephone… customer’s not there, so then …