Global Marketing Strategies

Everything You Need to Know [Video]

We currently live in a time where everything that can be done online is being done online. The digital landscape has expanded significantly in the past few years, encompassing the business world, too. 

Marketing, which was previously limited to our TV screens, newspapers, brochures, and billboards, has now found a new home in the digital world. This shift has given birth to a new form of marketing—digital marketing. 

But what is digital marketing, and where does it fit in the grand scheme of things? The guide below answers your questions.

What Is a Digital Marketing Plan?

A marketing plan is a step-by-step guide that outlines the strategies and tactics a company will use to promote its products or services. A digital marketing plan, therefore, is implemented in the digital space. 

Your company’s digital marketing plan includes the tools and processes you’ll use to accomplish your business objectives. 

Is a marketing plan the same as a marketing strategy? 

Although both terms …

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