Community Building and Management

Elsies inspiring journey [Video]

Elsie, one of the sweetest neighbours anyone could have, lives right next to DAR Bjorn and has become a cherished member of its community. Born with a physical disability that requires her to use crutches, Elsie faces her challenges with a cheerful spirit and unwavering determination.

ALS Malta has provided Elsie with a walking frame and the essential support she needs to navigate daily life with more independence. Elsie’s courageous nature shone through when she bought a plant at a school sale and asked her mother to give it to Bjorn for the opening of DAR Bjorn as a token of good luck.

One of Elsie’s favourite activities is spending time with the residents of DAR Bjorn, chatting with them, and making them laugh. She also attends several events organised there, and her kindness and warmth have made her an irreplaceable part of the community. Her mother, Fiorita, is immensely …

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