Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Dubuque high schools to offer competitive gaming as a team sport, partnering with Dubuque Esports League [Video]

DUBUQUE, Iowa (KCRG) – Esports tryouts are being held in late October for two Dubuque high schools, joining more than 50 Iowa high schools by offering competitive video gaming as a team sport.

The Dubuque Community School District and the Dubuque Esports League are pooling resources to create a welcome space for gamers and give Dubuque Senior High School and Stephen Hempstead High School students opportunities to compete against other Iowa schools. The partnership is partially funded by a $25,000 grant from the Dubuque Racing Association to pay for equipment, uniforms, and more.

Before co-founding the Dubuque Esports League in 2022, Susie Quinn said her son helped her see similarities between gaming and sports.

“This was all about strategy and collaboration and leadership skills and holding each other accountable,” explained Quinn. “That’s when I was like, ‘Woah, this is just like any other game.’”

Esports develop critical mental and physical skills such as teamwork, communication, mental toughness, hand-eye coordination, time …

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