Public Relations

Driscoll Health Plan unknown future threatens care for thousands [Video]

The nonprofit organization could loose more than 500 jobs in our region if the plan is eliminated, according to a press release from Driscoll Health Plan.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — On Wednesday the Driscoll Health Plan gave a status update for program that could potentially shut down in September of next year. 

It’s a move that would disrupt healthcare to thousands of South Texas residents who rely on the coverage, which includes local resident Melissa Velasco whose daughter, April, has a rare genetic disease called Kabuki syndrome.  

“The most severe child with Kabuki syndrome, they have to be tube fed, they have to be on oxygen they have to have traches here in their throat,” Velasco said.

April’s mother said she’s been a part of Driscoll Health Plan for just over a decade, and that they’ve been instrumental in covering her daughter’s treatments.

“We don’t get any bills, they take care of it,” Velasco said. 

Driscoll Health Plan CEO Craig …

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