Public Relations

Dozens arrested after protestors clash with Chicago police near Israel Consulate [Video]

CHICAGO — Dozens were arrested as protesters clashed with Chicago police Tuesday night in the West Loop.

The situation unfolded in front of the Israeli Consulate, 500 West Madison Street, where the demonstration was being held.

In a press conference Wednesday, Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling said between 55 and 60 people were arrested. Some of those protestors spent several hours overnight in custody.

“It’s time to get a handle on anyone who wants to wreak havoc on this city. People who are committing violent acts throughout the city. It is time to bring Chicago back to where we know it can be,” Snelling said.

Those arrested will likely face a number of charges, including disorderly conduct and battery to a police officer.

Snelling said half of the people arrested are not from Chicago.

“If you’re not complying with our orders at that time, you may be breaking the law …

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