Community Building and Management

Don’t feed, pet the wildfire prevention goats in San Diego [Video]

SDG&E and Environmental Land Management warn community to not feed goats behind low-voltage electric fence.

SAN DIEGO — Acres of dry brush can become the perfect fuel for a wildfire and that’s why companies like SDG&E are using goats to eliminate vegetation to help reduce the risk of fires.

“We saw them last year and were super happy they were coming back,” said 7-year-old Autumn.

The goats have one job, to eat away dry brush and weeds that pose risk for wildfires.

“We were pleasantly surprised to see how many of them there were. How fun,” Ashley said.

Ashley brought her child to see the herd of more than 100 goats in the field near her home.

“Definitely unique and sustainable and nicely gated so they’re confined to the area. They have the troughs out here so they’re hydrated,” she said.

Environmental Land Management, also known as ELM, has been using these goat mowers in the San Diego area for more than 20 years.

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