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Donald Trump Wants a VP Who Looks Good on TV [Video]

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CNN’s Erin Burnett interviewed The Bulwark’s Marc Caputo on Friday, who reports that as Donald Trump seeks a vice presidential running mate, his top ask is for someone who comes off well on television. He described Trump’s VP hunt as “‘The Apprentice’ on steroids.’” Caputo’s reporting of the top three finalists matches that of the New York Times: Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen J.D. Vance and the lesser-known Gov. Doug Burgum.

Burgum has done the most media appearances as a Trump surrogate, appearing 33 times on TV and in webcasts since May 1 on the former president’s behalf, while J.D. Vance made 20 appearances and Rubio made just 13 in the same period of time.

“It just means, who is going to defend and prosecute my case the best?” Caputo said. “Now the thing with Donald Trump is, he asks a lot of questions, he doesn’t answer them — so we really don’t know, what does Donald …

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