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Donald Trump has won the US election, readers say what they think | UK News [Video]

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We’ve proudly hung this newspaper on our wall (above) for the past few years after I scoured the racks to find one four short years ago. Such a promise, or a dream – now a nightmare. Time to hibernate it – for another four long years. Al, via email

Will UK politicians need to modify their views of Trump? Keith, London

Whatever one’s feelings about Donald Trump, he is not a mass-produced Mr Grey. He will bring the history books alive for future generations. He is the equal to any swashbuckling character of bygone days. J Ambrose, via email

Trump won with the support of the far right, the racists, the misogynists, the homophobes, the gun-lovers and all the other zombies wrapped in the Stars And Stripes. God help America. Steve, Harrow

The whole world should be in mourning. Donald Duck – sorry, Trump – has been elected again.

Russian …

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