Buzz is building around the idea that it’s time to claw back our cloud services and once more rebuild the company data center . Repatriation. It’s the act of moving work out of cloud and back to on-premises or self-managed hardware. And the primary justification for this movement is straightforward, especially in a time of economic downturn. Save money by not using AWS, Azure, or the other cloud hosting services. Save money by building and managing your own infrastructure.
Since an Andreesen Horowitz post catapulted this idea into the spotlight a couple of years ago, it seems to be gaining momentum. 37Signals, makers of Basecamp and Hey (a for-pay webmail service), blog regularly about how they repatriated. And a recent report suggested that of all those talking about a move back to self-hosting, the primary reason was financial: 45% said it’s because of cost.
It should be no surprise that repatriation …