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Ditching the downward dog: How event marketers are redefining wellness [Video]

Sustainability Marketing

Wellness and sustainability measures at events are nothing new – but marketers are working to make them more robust, says Paulina Piekarska-Léveillée of agency Mas.

It’s time to roll up the yoga mats and donate those scented diffusers.

As experiential programs charge into 2024, event producers can design programs that prioritize attendees’ well-being and sustainability while having a lasting impact on the local community. Going beyond the basic stretch and snack, events can craft wellness experiences that nourish bodies, connect communities, and leave a positive footprint on the planet.

1. Sharper sessions and shorter screen time

Gone are the days of cramming ten informational sessions into one marathon day. B2B events should prioritize mental well-being by creating agendas that breathe. Information overload is a recipe for glazed-over eyes, exhausted brains, and attendees looking for an escape.

Shorter, more focused presentations with interactive elements keep attendees engaged. Think Ted Talk-style presentations or panel discussions that encourage audience participation.

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