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Disrupting The Position of Sales Manager Why Weve Got it All Wrong by Keith Rosen [Video]

Community Building and Management

Disrupting The Position of Sales Manager – Why We’ve Got it All Wrong

In this episode of Construction Disruption, we explore the following topics:

  • What does a healthy coaching culture look like?
  • How do you create one?
  • Why can’t companies get coaching right and instead struggle with letting go of solving every problem?
  • Why managers get in their own way of building a top performing team, healthy relationships and a thriving culture.
  • What gets in the way of managers developing their coaching skills and making it a daily habit?
  • Shattering the myth that “coaching takes too long.”
  • How to build a future bench of sales leaders.
  • What managers can do to coach in 60 seconds and save 20 hours a week.
  • The similarities between coaching and selling how to transform your salespeople into coaches to coach their customers to win.
  • The strategy of Enrollment to create alignment and buy in around change, especially when dealing with difficult conversations and situations.
  • Why managers are the primary reason for employee disengagement and lost …
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