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Disneyland: Made Possible By Special Privileges, Strategic Partnerships [Video]

Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

The genesis of Disneyland in the 1950s is a tale not only of visionary creativity on the part of the great visionary himself, Walter Elias Disney, but also of the strategic partnerships and unique privileges that Walt skillfully harnessed in an effort to breathe life into a vision he first had when his daughters were very young.

Credit: Disney Dining

The construction and opening of Disneyland were marked by an unprecedented level of support from various companies, each of which played a crucial role in bringing Disney’s ambitious dream to fruition.

The Idea For Disneyland in Southern California

Saturdays in the late 1930s and early 1940s were some of the most memorable and meaningful days in the lives of Walt Disney and his two daughters, Diane and Sharon.

Credit: Walt Disney Archives

As Walt would later explain during a 1963 interview with Fletcher Markle with the Canadian Broadcasting Company, Saturdays were “Daddy’s day.”

“Saturday was always …

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