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Did Just Release the ‘Forked’ PRO Version of ACF? [Video]

Public Relations

Something truly unexpected happened in the WordPress community just before the weekend – a “product release,” sort of. You’ve probably already guessed what I’m talking about from the headline, so let’s skip the suspense.

So yeah, it looks like that on Nov 21, the “team” running the official profile of in the WordPress plugin directory released a plugin called exactly “Secure Custom Fields.”

“Wait, what?! Didn’t we already go through a controversy about this a few months ago?”

You’re not wrong – but that was a completely different controversy.

I know this whole thing sounds confusing and messy, so let me break it down for you. Here’s the situation as of today, Nov 25:

From what I can tell, essentially decided to “fork” or recreate the Pro version of ACF and make it freely available in the plugin directory.

David McCan on YouTube makes a good summary of what exactly was replicated in the new SCF:

Well, let’s …

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