Public Relations

Details Released In 2022 Fatal Officer-Involved I-95 Shooting First State Update [Video]

On Friday the Delaware Department of Justice released the long-awaited report regarding the fatal officer-involved shooting that occurred in 2022.

FSU has posted the report as it appears in the PDF released by the state. In addition to the report, we have included several photos at the end of the report.

A few items of note as you read the report:

  • The report was released as a PDF not as a webpage, which has been the case in the past.
  • At the December 2, 2022 press conference regarding the incident Troopers were asked if anyone else had been wounded. They said no one else was injured. Despite those comments, FSU’s reporting documented that a passing driver had been struck by gunfire – This report confirms our 2022 reporting.
  • The DOJ did not release any of the officers’ body cam videos for this incident.



This is the final report of the …

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