Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Denver teens develop app helping struggling peers get connected to resources [Video]

DENVER, Colo. — Technology has given us TVs, the internet and now, AI, but it’s also empowering young people in Denver get connected through a new app called Power of One.

“When we were putting this project together, the community partners envisioned a way for youth to connect themselves and to connect other youth that might be struggling to the really phenomenal array of amazing community services that we have in northeast Denver,” said David Bechhoefer, project director at the Youth Violence Prevention Center-Denver.

The Youth Violence Prevention Center – Denver (YVPC-D) is an academic-community collaboration based out of University of Colorado Boulder and funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Program leaders partnered with community agencies in northeast Denver and a group of local students (who call themselves the Game Changers) to develop the app.

It’s similar to Safe2Tell, the state’s youth-centered harm prevention and intervention resource which allows students make …

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