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Democrats Face Doom HotAir [Video]

Public Relations

The Democrats are not doomed.

They are just “mostly doomed.”

In politics, a month is a lifetime, trajectories can be OBE–overcome by events–and perception is reality most of the time. That’s why the debate changed everything so quickly and dramatically. Perceptions changed and…POOF!, Biden is doomed as are vulnerable Democrats. 

So it is just within the realm of possibility that some new event–such as a wildly popular Democrat suddenly gets on the ticket–could be Miracle Max, re-aliving Democrat prospects. 

But…the chances are, shall we say, low–and the press conference last night shows why. Biden performed just well enough that he has extended his shelf life in the race. 

Sure, he made plenty of flubs, but unlike in the debate, he recovered quickly, and despite providing clips that Republicans could pound him on, the mistakes pre-debate would not have been fatal to his campaign long term. They were just Joe being Joe. 

But post debate? They are each one of the …

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