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Dell’s encryption capabilities are made for a future of AI [Video]

Marketing Technology

Each new technological advance spurs new cyberattacks and requires security teams to evolve their current encryption capabilities.

At Dell Technologies Inc., cybersecurity experts have developed a framework that follows three simple steps: reduce the attack service, detect and respond and recover from the attack. This three-pronged methodology is aimed at making Dell’s users feel secure against attacks in the years to come.

“Customers absolutely love the framework,” said Adam Miller (pictured, left), product marketing team lead at Dell. “And I think why is because we started putting things in the terms that they need. So, they’re interested in reducing their attack surface and trying to stop as much as they can before it gets in. They’re interested in doing better detections and being able to see what comes in and then responding when it does. If they have to recover, of course, they need a plan in place. So, when they hear us come to them with this type of message, it’s very credible. …

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