Ahead of the Assembly elections on February 5, the Delhi Congress on Thursday said it would increase the free monthly electricity limit from 200 units to 300 units and give LPG cylinder at Rs 500, apart from a monthly free ration kit offering 6 kg rice and other essentials if it comes to power in the national capital.
Urging for a change of regime in Delhi, Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy told voters in the Capital that just like his state the Congress will deliver all the five guarantees for welfare of the poor in Delhi also.
Addressing a press conference along with AICC Delhi in-charge Qazi Nizamuddin and Delhi Congress president Devender Yadav, Reddy highlighted that the Metro train given to Delhi under the government of Sheila Dikshit has become a model for the entire country.
“Delhi has the longest Metro and it was built by the Congress,” he said, …