How to Market to Expensive Keywords
How to Market to Expensive Keywords
12 Steps to Create Videos

Decoding the chess moves of Snowflake and Databricks [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

As customers try to “get artificial intelligence right,” the need to rationalize siloed data becomes increasingly important.

Data practitioners could put all their data eggs into a single platform basket, but that’s proving impractical. As such, firms are moving to an open model where they maintain control of their data and can bring any compute engine to any of their data.

While compelling, the capabilities to govern open data across an entire estate remain immature. Regardless, the move toward open table formats is gaining traction and the point of control in the data platform wars is shifting from the database to the governance catalog.

Moreover, as data platforms evolve, we see them increasingly as tools for analytic systems to take action and drive business outcomes. Because catalogs are becoming freely available, the value in data platforms is also shifting toward tool chains to enable a new breed of intelligent applications …

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7 Invisible Obstacles to Digital Marketing Success
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