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Data Rights in AI Laws: A Guide to Securing Your Personal Information [Video]

Marketing Technology

With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various sectors, concerns about how personal information is collected, used, and shared have escalated. As artificial intelligence systems become capable of processing vast amounts of data at an unprecedented scale, it is crucial to understand the implications of these technologies on individual privacy rights. Legislation around data protection has begun to evolve in this new era. Laws are being implemented nationally and internationally to safeguard personal information against misuse and ensure transparency and accountability from AI developers and users.

Understanding and navigating the complex landscape of data rights in AI requires a knowledge of the legal frameworks and regulations that govern the use of artificial intelligence. Personal information must be protected from breaches and unauthorised access and from being used in a way that could harm individuals or society. As such, laws have defined the rights of the data subject, including rights …

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